The Turgon Home Page


About Me
Humboldt Reunion 2005 August 26 and 27
Photo Gallery


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Just a simple webpage to let family and friends know what is new and what is happening with the Turgon's.

Favorite Links

Weather has been appointed the unofficial web site of the class of 1955 by me of course. Our 50th Reunion was held August 26 and 27 - 2005. Our next reunion will be sometime in 2010. Fred's phone is 706-576-5904 or e-mail him @ it changes rather frequently. To contact Al by phone, 817-430-3377 or e-mail at the above link or

If you are looking for Humboldt reunion information go to the Humboldt Reunion 2005 page. Do you have any pictures that you would like to share with others please e-mail them to

What's the weather in Flower Mound, Texas


Photo Album

Communities & Forums


Meet Ally and Austin Turgon! Ally is 4 months and a show stopper already. Austin just had his 2nd birthday. Picture not big enough? Just click on picture to make bigger and use back arrow to return to normal size.

Want to know what is happening in the Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Flower Mound Real Estate market? Just click on this URL and you will be transported to a selection of beautiful homes and ranches. 



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This site was last updated 08/08/08

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